Before & After

Saber Foundation Repair Before & After Photos

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Foundation Piering in Los Angeles

Helical Piles Los Angeles, Ca

Helical Piers in Los Angeles

Seismic Retrofitting For Your Crawlspace Using 350 SMARTJACK® System In Los Angeles

In the before photo, you can see at the top of the picture that there is cracking on the floor joists. This is because the joists need more support to handle the weight of the home. Since there is not good support for this home, this floor is sagging and causing problems for the homeowner. The after photo shows how we fix this problem with our 350 Smartjack solutions. We attached a supplemental beam to the floor joists that need support with SmartJacks attached to fix any stability issues that the homeowner is having.

Floor Stabilization in Los Angeles

The Before Picture shows improper support post for this Los Angeles home's floor.

The After Picture Shows a new wood support post with attached Seismic Retrofitting Brackets attached. This floor is no longer sagging.

Seismic Retrofitting a Los Angeles Home

The Before picture: The owner of this home wants to update, to meet the California Building Code, for Earthquake preparedmess.

The After Picture: Universal Foundation Plates have been installed, to strengthen the connection between the home and it's Foundation. Saber has also sheathed the Foundation walls with metal mesh, behind the plywood, to strengthen the walls.

our service area

We serve the following areas

Our Locations:

7301 Madison St
Paramount, CA 90723

1320 Distribution Way Suite B
Vista, CA 92081
Saber Foundation Repair Service Area