Case Studies - Page 3

There are cracks in a Wall, that are making it a Safety Hazard....

Trip hazards have formed in the walkways outside of a home. Voids have formed under a few of the concrete...

Cracks in the Foundation appear to be growing. Shifting Soils have created Voids under this Foundation....

Cracked Sidewalks, in a Apartment Complex, have become Trip Hazards....

Doors and Windows aren't operating properly. The Foundation is sinking into Voids and cracking....

The walls of the Home are cracking. Voids have Formed under the Foundation. ...

Homeowner wants his home protected against future Earthquakes....

Concrete Stairs and Walkways have become Bad Trip Hazards. Large Voids have Formed. ...

The walls are cracking, and the Floors are Sloping. Voids have formed under one side of the Home....

Cracks in the Foundation of a Home in the Mountains. Shifting Soils have created Voids under the Foundation....

Patio is sinking down the middle, slanting on both sides. A large Void has formed under the Patio, causing it...